Statistics generated on Tuesday 4 May 2021 - 1:02:31
During this 31-day reporting period, a total of 9283 different nicks were represented on
99594 | 83816 | 78699 | 93205 | 91729 | 55728 | 88494 | 70394 | 34328 | 39269 | 33206 | 31990 | 44930 | 28176 | 71606 | 51610 | 83543 | 100761 | 123072 | 86759 | 42608 | 71917 | 57651 | 72535 | 29501 | 128896 | 92756 | 60569 | 85461 | 97634 | 72940 |
30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
7.5% | 6.8% | 6.6% | 5.7% | 4.3% | 3.0% | 1.9% | 1.3% | 1.2% | 1.0% | 1.0% | 1.0% | 1.1% | 1.4% | 1.9% | 2.5% | 3.3% | 4.7% | 5.3% | 6.6% | 8.3% | 8.4% | 7.5% | 7.7% |
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 |
Nick | Number of lines | When? | Number of Words | Last seen | Random quote | |
1 | MalekKing | 17761 | 172717 | today | "stealthycatfish NITOCRIS AYAYA nathanWeeb MiyanoHype" | |
2 | Slimy | 15135 | 52102 | today | "AvikatheRopeBunny GameOfThrows" | |
3 | Hybrid | 11940 | 27469 | today | "Destiny what's your favorite kind of cheese?" | |
4 | VisitoX | 11714 | 60921 | today | "the chat is kinda dying down now MMMM" | |
5 | SlugChrist | 11562 | 74494 | today | "OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL" | |
6 | chimpanzeek | 10680 | 69499 | today | "Gragas = grey name in Hasan's chat" | |
7 | NikoSam | 10299 | 62943 | today | "EM_7 PepeLaugh the cycle continues COGGERS" | |
8 | stealthycatfish | 9985 | 45554 | today | "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH DISCORD REE" | |
9 | Jazzly | 9775 | 74218 | today | "Naga_ ye i knew what u meant" | |
10 | yannis | 9164 | 41095 | today | "SOY MY VIDYA GAME ON NETFLIX SOY" | |
11 | Fritz | 8937 | 36686 | today | "Something randomly executed on my computer monkaS" | |
12 | Kogasa | 8714 | 84460 | today | "Striker but you appear blue" | |
13 | NateTheYounger | 8621 | 50187 | today | "MMACheerpuppy LUL and new game plus he has invinicibility" | |
14 | m_walles | 8076 | 16203 | today | "MrComit very good album NODDERS" | |
15 | Barret | 7744 | 30260 | today | "Destiny ez. be a partisan hack and racist" | |
16 | BrandonJones | 7538 | 32119 | today | "Wait bill gates is getting divorced? DaFeels" | |
17 | Striker | 7422 | 54842 | today | "ofelia now she leaches off her parents PepeLaugh" | |
18 | TheRealNihilist | 7230 | 59889 | today | "there is no honour on the battlefield MLADY" | |
19 | Rikudo | 7213 | 29076 | today | "RaveDoge RaveDoge RaveDoge" | |
20 | CrashmanJones | 7133 | 60612 | today | "this is triggering the fuck outta me" | |
21 | TenebrisBlacksmith | 7104 | 50232 | today | "Destiny its just a DOMINICAN CHAD GODSTINY" | |
22 | tng69 | 7068 | 37228 | today | "GappyV wait i get spotify ?" | |
23 | PrimeCells | 7068 | 16726 | today | "whartonsquad It's in the lsf thread on destiny's unban" | |
24 | devon | 7065 | 28847 | today | "Destiny this is Darius_irl" | |
25 | gskate | 6944 | 58784 | today | "TheArcaneFailure one last fuck Abathur" |
nnn (6862) | zooooom (6834) | Calcifer64 (6826) | TextualAssault (6709) | coolmann (6530) |
JoeKingLee (6405) | chadesque (6212) | Figgles (6107) | darsh (6097) | zilluden (6073) |
Coolduderino (5876) | bubble_butt2k (5818) | tyson (5794) | GappyV (5784) | willkill4ever (5757) |
Miasma (5635) | Coda39 (5556) | DapperRaptor (5542) | Ratsofat (5528) | jediporkchop (5497) |
onceknown1 (5478) | bin1 (5456) | Shizenjin (5353) | glycerine (5349) | JohnPrestongc (5339) |
jody (5296) | rallen (5214) | MajesticRhino (5153) | blueadieu (5151) | Mickey (4985) |
Syv11 (4972) | HarryModN (4966) | King_of_Suede (4939) | Majestic_Gopher (4893) | veggiebro (4851) |
zazozz (4845) | Mythorr (4818) | xXliquidsquidwardXx (4758) | Readysetzerg (4677) | AnonymousDrone (4606) |
mike78 (4606) | huffdaddylol (4538) | AustralianDolphin (4525) | M_VG (4513) | lonzoballjumpshot (4496) |
swagy_swagerson (4420) | tconn (4389) | IgnoredYikes (4379) | ArcadeCaio (4377) | bblue (4305) |
0-5 | 6-11 | 12-17 | 18-23 | |
1 | ||||
2 | ||||
3 | ||||
4 | ||||
5 | ||||
6 | ||||
7 | ||||
8 | ||||
9 | ||||
10 |
Is MoMo stupid or just asking too many questions? 42.1% lines contained a question! EvryManAKing didn't know that much either. 34.6% of his/her lines were questions. |
The loudest one was creepcrawly, who yelled 46.9% of the time! Another old yeller was Remy_Ego, who shouted 29.8% of the time! |
It seems that Mricypaw's shift-key is hanging: 75.0% of the time he/she wrote UPPERCASE. For example, like this: <Mricypaw> OMEGALUL VexingCow just forgot to deactivate his/her Caps-Lock. He/She wrote UPPERCASE 72.6% of the time. |
Nobody beat anyone up. Everybody was friendly. |
R00gle brings happiness to the world. 6.3% lines contained smiling faces. :) godhydrax isn't a sad person either, smiling 6.0% of the time. |
_KiloxVI seems to be sad at the moment: 3.3% lines contained sad faces. :( inxiti is also a sad person, crying 2.8% of the time. |
irk wrote the longest lines, averaging 145.0 letters per line. average was 28.6 letters per line. |
Gavias wrote the shortest lines, averaging 6.5 characters per line. Friendly_hazard was tight-lipped, too, averaging 7.6 characters. |
MalekKing spoke a total of 172717 words! MalekKing's faithful follower, Kogasa, didn't speak so much: 84460 words. |
strundle wrote an average of 80.00 words per line. Channel average was 4.67 words per line. |
Word | Number of Uses | Last Used by | |
1 | Copium | 38367 | KoolAidDogan |
2 | catJAM | 32260 | RightToBearArmsLOL |
3 | monkaVirus | 27342 | bleelive |
4 | about | 26349 | TheDailyGuardsman |
5 | FeelsOkayMan | 24659 | King_of_Suede |
6 | people | 23406 | Yanke_Doodle |
7 | FUCKING | 23373 | bblue |
8 | monkaSMEGA | 22544 | knazze |
9 | WooYeah | 19190 | brachymoragor |
10 | would | 17358 | devon |
Nick | Number of Uses | Last Used by | |
1 | Destiny | 83786 | Codeh |
2 | Can | 23412 | yannis |
3 | think | 22038 | UselessBathHouse |
4 | MrMouton | 12912 | Calcifer64 |
5 | Dan | 12074 | tekture |
Smiley | Number of Uses | Last Used by | |
1 | :) | 2705 | saintjax |
2 | :( | 749 | Dukeman |
3 | D: | 482 | its_zoltan |
4 | :D | 276 | MMACheerpuppy |
5 | :/ | 164 | ostia |
6 | ;) | 131 | bvvareofmilkshakes |
7 | :^) | 66 | YouthInAsia |
8 | :P | 56 | Flabrezu |
9 | (: | 35 | rgbkiller |
10 | -_- | 25 | quantumpineapple |
URL | Number of Uses | Last Used by | |
1 | | 159 | Coolduderino |
2 | | 71 | stealthycatfish |
3 | | 69 | NateTheYounger |
4 | | 68 | Jazzly |
5 | | 43 | Sisyphus_Salad |
Nice opers here, no one got kicked! |
No actions in! |
chimpanzeek talks to him/herself a lot. He/She wrote over 5 lines in a row 9 times! Another lonely one was darsh, who managed to hit 6 times. |
Nemoe has quite a potty mouth. 6.1% words were foul language. For example, like this: <Nemoe> WHAT THE FUCK HES SO BRAVE SOY Pragmatic03 also makes sailors blush, 5.4% of the time. |